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Malenkiy Prints 1966 (Dancing Roses Scene)

Malenkiy Prints 1966 Dancing Roses Scene на нашем великолепном сайте. А знаете ли вы что multik qorod qe .

This is a scene from the "1966" film "Malenkiy Prints". The scene shows, "The Little Prince" (Evaldas Mikaliunas), encountering some wild roses in the desert, which are dancing in the desert wind, Little Prince joins in. The film is very interesting to watch. It's very simplistic, but very effective. I think it tells the story of "The Little Prince" very well, given the age of the film. The young "Evaldas Mikaliunas" is wonderful to watch on screen, and his portrayal of "The Little Prince", is perfect. This was the first ever film adaptation of the novel, "The Little Prince" by "Antoine de Saint-Exupéry" I hope you enjoy it!

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