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Robocraft #1 - Shave Your Cubes

Robocraft #1 - Shave Your Cubes на нашем великолепном сайте. А знаете ли вы что 1+1 .

Robocraft fun! Lewis, Duncan and Sips join up to have a go at this free-to-play vehicle building deathmatch kill-fest, where each player has to construct their own robot to take into battle. You can play Robocraft for free here: Next episode: Coming Soon! Thanks to Freejam for sponsoring this video! RoboCraft Playlist: Coming Soon! If Minecraft smashed straight into World of Tanks you'd get Robocraft. BUILD, DRIVE & FIGHT in this Free-To-Play MMO Robot vehicle shooter. Build a robot battle vehicle, add wheels, jets, guns, wings and take it into intense online team battles. ► The Official Yogscast Store: ◄ Robocraft is a creative building and vehicle shooter game set on fictional areas of different planets. It is being developed and published by the indie video game developer Freejam Games. The game features contained areas (called Garages) in which players can build various functional vehicles with very basic parts (such as cubes and wheels) along with weapons that can be used for combat. Robocraft features a part-based damage model, where the basic parts of the vehicles must be destroyed with weapons in order to achieve a kill over an opponent. Check out Sips' and Duncan's channels: Sips: Duncan: ♥ Subscribe: ♥ Website: Reddit: Twitter: @simonhoneydew @yogscastlewis Facebook: Powered by Chillblast: Mailbox: The Yogscast, PO Box 3125 Bristol BS2 2DG Business enquiries: [email protected]

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