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Nora Dean - Barbwire - Original 1969

Nora Dean - Barbwire - Original 1969 на нашем великолепном сайте. А знаете ли вы что нора фильм 1969 .

At long last have finally worked out the sound volume issue :-) although you'll still have to forgive the crackling as usual. "Barbwire" also known as "Oh Mamma" was Ms Nora Dean's most remembered and successful international hit. Produced by Duke Reid in 1969 (released by Trojan 1970), Nora Dean was often known for her sexual orientated tunes. This track tells the story of a young woman trying to fend off a young man's sexual advances and running to "mamma" to tell of her plight after hitting him over the The "Ay ya ya oh mama" provided the irresistible hook that turned this tune into an unforgettable reggae classic. Besides her own classics, Nora Dean was also a member of the Soulettes trio group which featured Rita Marley.

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